What are acknowledged scholarly journals in the field of Educational Technology?
To identify the "state of research" for your theses or paper, you will need to scan the relevant literature to identify the latest insights from authors around the world. Textbooks will not provide enough detail about recent findings. In EdTech, journals (and some proceedings of conferences) are the major sources for up-to-date research. Students often ask: "What are the relevant journals? Where to look for current research findings in the field of EdTech?" The following list might help you.
Our selection of 40 journals is based on three criteria ("metrics"):
1) Journal Citation Report (JCR): List of journals in "Education"
2) SciMago Journal Rank (SJR): List of journals in "Education", 1. + 2. quartile
3) Google Scholar: List of journals in "Educational Technology"
These metrics are typically based on the number of citations the articles of a journal have received over a period of time from other sources. They differ in the way they calculate their rankings, e.g. some omit Editorials or punish for self-citations and use different baselines. Our selection does not imply that other outlets do not convey important results based on rigourous methods for research. However, the chance to be read and to be referenced simply seems more probable in these selected journals. Therefore, they attract more authors to submit their research papers and are often in a position to be highly selective when choosing the best papers for publication. Like all high-quality journals, their decision to publish a submitted paper relies on a double-blind review process where the reviewers do not know the name of the authors and the authors do not know who are the reviewers.
What does this mean? Journals in our list comprise of articles that are often referred to and therefore, these journals seem to be a good starting point for your investigation. However, the reverse conclusion would be missleading: Not all articles in these journals are automatically more relevant or have a higher quality or importance. For each article, you will need to analyze the relevance and quality thoroughly and you might find important contributions in other journals as well.
Status: 1st Sept. 2021. Subject related journals (e.g. for language learning) have been excluded. The appended document provides more information about members of editorial boards from Germany.
German Journals
There are no scholarly journals entirely devoted to EdTech. The following journals, however, also do publish papers related to EdTech:
- MedienPädagogik. Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung (von Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft e.V., Sektion Medienpädagogik mit PH Zürich)
- merz. Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik (vom JFF – Jugend Film Fernsehen e. V., München)
- Medienimpulse. Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik (von BMBWF, Wien mit U und PH Wien)
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