Your are engaged in educational technology research? Looking for validated research instruments for analyzing learning processes?
In our database, you will find a collection of the most relevant research instruments for measuring learning processes in digital environments. It is based on a systematic search on literature in scholarly journals from 2000 to 2020.
Our database comprises of around 150 instruments including entries, that have been used successfully in the various contexts of education. We have thorougly checked the most relevant publications at our lab and have restricted entries in our database to instruments that are directly available for immediate use in your research project.
see our publication related to this project:
- Buntins, K., Kerres, M., & Heinemann, A.. (2021). A scoping review of research instruments for measuring student engagement: In need for convergence. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2(2). doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2021.100099
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This project has been funded within the BMBF-Metaproject Digitization in Education. The aim of the project has been to support researchers to find approriate instruments and to facilitate the discussion about valid and reliable measures for research on learning processes in EdTech. All instruments can be accessed according to indicators related to behavioural, affective cognitive and metacognitive dimensions of engagement as well as indicators relating to engagement and learning outcome. They have been categorized as questionnaires, behavioural observations, interviews or behavioural traces. Moreover, they can be sorted by the different sectors of education. Also, core values have been documented (reliability, number of items and source) and whether the instrucments have been psychometrically validated. Additionaly, coding schemes for some open-ended questions or interviews are included.
Entry to the Database:
EdTech Research Instruments
In order to illustrate how the database can be used for your research project,
we created a screencast that shortly presents its main goal and functions:
We are looking forward to your comments and to references to other instruments!
Please, feel free to contact us: Katja Buntins