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Startseite ›2014
Rehm, M., Verstegen, D., Beausaert, S., Gijselaers, W., & Segers, M.. (2014). De invloed van Hiërarchische Posities op Communities of Learning. Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs.
Rehm, M., Gijselaers, W., & Segers, M.. (2014). Effects of Hierarchical Levels on Social Network Structures within Communities of Learning. Frontline Learning Research, Learning through Networks(2). Abgerufen von
Rehm, M., Hirschmann, M., Gruber, H., Rienties, B., Beausaert, S., Fröhlich, D., u. a.. (2014). A social network perspective on learning and professional development. In EARLI - SIG 14 (Learning and Professional Development). Oslo, Norway.
Rehm, M., Gijselaers, W., & Segers, M.. (2015). The Impact of Hierarchical Positions on Communities of Learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 10(2), 117-138. Abgerufen von
Rehm, M., Mulder, R. H., Gijselaers, W., & Segers, M.. (2016). The Impact of Hierarchical Positions on the Type of Communication within Online Communities of Learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, 158–170. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.12.065