The online-panel will be organized by City University of Hong Kong and hosted by Matthias Schäfer, Chief Representative of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Shanghai.
- Prof. Dr. Stephen Thomson, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong: Governance and Rights Challenges in the Technological Response to COVID-19 in Asia
- Prof. Dr. Lin Cheng, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies: Robots in the Public Health Emergency of Covid-19. A New Agenda of Medical Roboethics and Intercultural Roboethics
- Prof. Jong Chul Ye, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology:Use of AI for COVID19-diagnostic and Patient Privacy
- Prof. Dr. Michael Kerres, University Duisburg-Essen, Learning Lab: AI-Technology in Education coping with Covid-19 - a European Perspective
The Asia-Europe Consortium for AI Research (AECAIR) is a platform, initiated by partners in Asia and Europe and sponsored by institutions including Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Shanghai Office ( and Intellisia Institute, an independent think tank based in Guangzhou.