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Web Editor | 3 April, 2014 - 16:28

Das Projekt Edutags werden wir in diesem Jahr erstmals auf einer Reihe von internationalen Konferenzen vorstellen:
- Martin Rehm, Richard Heinen & Gianna Scharnberg: Edutags – Social Bookmarking for Teachers: A German Case Study, EdiNeb Conference, Limerick
- Ingo Blees, Richard Heinen, Michael Kerres & Marc Rittberger: "Open educational resources and social bookmarking: Connecting Users and Editors", LINQ Conference 2014, Kreta
- Michael Kerres & Richard Heinen: Open and Closed Informational Infrastructures for Education: The Case of 'Edutags' as a Connector for Open Learning" Paper at the Symposium "Open Educational Resources and Informational Ecosystems: Impacts on Education" at the ECER conference, Porto, September 2014.
- Martin Rehm & Richard Heinen: Preparing in Isolation?! Sharing & Tagging Educational Resources Among Teachers, AECT, November 2014.
Edutags: Bookmarking für Bildungsressourcen