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Startseite ›2021
Mulders, M., & Zender, R.. (2021). An Academic Conference In Virtual Reality? – Evaluation Of A SocialVR Conference. 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2021). virtual. Abgerufen von
(80.31 MB)2016
Hölterhof, T., & Rehm, M.. (2016). Learning in Online Social Networks: Exploring Structural and Emotional Aspects of Social Presence and as a Sense of Community. In AERA 2016. gehalten auf der 04/2016, Washington D.C.: American Educational Research Association. Abgerufen von
Hayit, D., Hölterhof, T., Rehm, M., Carl, O., & Kerres, M.. (2016). Visualizing online (social) learning processes - Designing a Dashboard to support reflection. (M. Kravcik, Mikroyannidis, A., Pammer, V., Prilla, M., & Ullmann, D. T., Hrsg.)Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning In conjunction with the 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Adaptive and Adaptable Learning (EC-TEL 2016). Lyon. Abgerufen von
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