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ECER 2015, "Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research", taking place in Budapest, Hungary, from 8 to 11 September 2015.
The programme committee has accepted our contribution for a symposium in Network ‘12. LISnet - Library and Information Science Network’
Open Educational Resources: Infrastructures for Dissemination and Provisioning
The programme committee has accepted our proposal for a symposium in Network ‘16. ICT in Education and Training’ titled:
European Perspectives on Instructional Design of eLearning
Chair: Michael Kerres (University of Duisburg-Essen) | Discussant: Begoña Gros (University of Barcelona) | Submitted by: Dr. Stefanie A. Hillen (University of Agder)
with contributions from:
- Stijn Van Laer (KU Leuven), Katie Goeman (KU Leuven), Jan Elen (KU Leuven): Towards a Descriptive Framework of Learner and Context Characteristics in Blended Learning Environments and Their Impact on Persistence and Performance
- Michael Kerres (University of Duisburg-Essen), Tobias Hölterhof (University of Duisburg-Essen): The Value of Learning: The didactical Perspective on Education
- Stefanie A. Hillen (University of Agder): E-learning Design and Shifts of educational Paradigms
Even if eLearning approaches are manifold, specific theoretical and methodological distinctions can be made. Looking at such approaches, they are guided and inspired by Instructional Design or by European didactics. Because of the growing need to develop frameworks, guidelines and to provide support for the development of eLearning, these methodologies need to be examined in detail. Whereas Instructional design models focus mainly on the structural and systematic planning (Reigeluth, 1999) of eLearning the didactics tradition concentrate on the content to be selected, structured and to be offered meaningfully to the learner (Klafki, 2002).
Both methodologies seeking to support the development, planning and conduction of eLearning. It is apparent that these methodologies based on different educational traditions are influencing each other: in the recent past the U.S. e-learning design theories have become a meaningful part in rich or complex learning environments in Europe (Hillen & Landis, 2014). The analysis of both frameworks will help to detect the essential elements for eLearning applications and reflect mutually unsolved problems within their frameworks themselves. This seems to be urgent because eLearning itself becomes internationalized without scrutinizing specifically its underlying diverse roots.
One example of a European trend, which can be observed in eLearning, is the so-called didactic design. Didactic design is seen as the development of an environment that supports learning from its conceptualizing phase until its evaluation (Kerres, 2007). It is somehow valued as a prescriptive approach that aims at the design and construction of environments to offer learning (Reinmann, 2013). One could ask if this trend is a new semantics that points to a partly inclusion of patterns of ID or if this trend create a platform for a European perspective on eLearning didactics?
The symposium’s objective is to discuss and analyze the today’s approaches for eLearning, within their methodological frameworks. In specific, it will be asked how eLearning and eLearning situations are framed and shaped by these educational methodologies. In addition, the existing discussion on the change of educational paradigms (content vs outcome) will be included, because it influences today’s eLearning approaches as well.
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