TitelLearning assignments im virtual worlds: theoretical systematization and didactical requirements
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2011
Book TitleVirtual Immersive and 3D Learning Spaces: Emerging Technologies and Trends
AuthorsAdamus, T, Ojstersek, N, Nattland, A, Kerres, M
EditorHai-Jew, S
PublisherIGI Global
ISBN Number978-1-61692-825-4

The chapter describes different possibilities for the design of learning assignments in virtual worlds with a special emphasis on Second Life. For this purpose, it relates to didactical requirements to obtain criteria for constructing learning assignments for different contexts and conditions. A difference has to be made between distinct forms of simple and complex learning assignments, which have to be solved in the virtual worlds, but serve for the attainment of learning objectives either from the real or the virtual world. Furthermore, it is possible to reach learning objectives concerning the virtual world by means of the real world. It becomes obvious, that the bounds between virtual worlds and the real world are blurring. The decision, whether learning assignments should be edited in virtual worlds, depends on to what extent an additional benefit compared with other (technical) solutions, can emerge in these contexts. For these purposes a closer consideration of virtual worlds' specific features becomes relevant.




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