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In 2014, Duisburg Learning again will welcome several international guest researchers:
(1) Hiba Salem Balatiyah, a MBA student from Birzeit University/Palestine, will stay at our lab for 3 month with a NRW scholarship grant to conduct research on managing innovations in training departments of media companies.
(2) Prof. Dr. Amber Dailey-Hebert from Park University, Missouri, will stay at our lab in June with a UDE grant for international cooperations. She will participate in various activities in seminars and online lectures and will offer a workshop on "innovations in higher education".
(3) Anna Bukhtoyarova, lecturer at the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk (Russia) has received a Eranet-Mundus grant from the EU for preparing her PhD thesis on web tools in teacher education.
(4) Dr. Michael Bukhtoyarova, Associate Professor at the Siberian Federal University, will stay at our lab for post-doctoral research on perspectives of MOOCs in HE.
Information for international guests about staying at the lab ... more
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