TitelTwitter as an Informal Learning Space for Teachers!? The Role of Social Capital in Twitter Conversations among Teachers
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsRehm, M, Notten, A
JournalTeaching and Teacher Education
Start Pagehttp://www.journals.elsevier.com/teaching-and-teacher-education
KeywordsInformal Learning, social capital, Social Media, Social Network Analysis, teacher professional development

Twitter can contribute to the continuous professional development of teachers by initiating and fostering informal learning. Social capital theory can aid to analyse the underlying communication processes and outcomes. Yet, previous research has largely neglected teachers and the role of social capital on Twitter. The present study addresses this shortcoming by analysing a hashtag conversation among German speaking teachers. Using social network analysis, we are able to show the relevance of the structural dimension of social capital in Twitter conversations among teachers.

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