TitelHow should we teach chatbot interaction to students? A pilot study on perceived affordances and chatbot interaction patterns in an authentic K-12 setting
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsKlar, M
Conference NameWorkshops der 22. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI)
PublisherGesellschaft für Informatik
KeywordsChatbot Affordances, Chatbots, Interaction Patterns, Learning, Prompting Instruction

Understanding how to use generative AI can greatly benefit the learning process. Despite available concepts for teaching “how to prompt”, little empirical evidence exists on students’ current micro-level chatbot use that would justify a need for instruction on how to prompt. This pilot study investigates students’ chatbot use in an authentic setting. Findings reveal general interaction patterns, including a notable lack of conversational patterns, indicating an underutilization of this central chatbot capability. However, despite having no formal instruction, some students discovered specific chatbot affordances. While basic prompting skills are displayed or acquired during exploration, explicit training on effective chatbot interaction could enhance skillful chatbot use. This training should integrate cognitive and metacognitive strategies as well as technological knowledge, helping students leverage the technology’s full potential.

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