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Rehm, M., Daly, A., Cornelissen, F., & Notten, A.. (2017). To go beyond … New Frontiers for Analyzing Social Networking Sites for Educational Policy & Practice. In AERA. San Antonio, USA.
Rehm, M., & Notten, A.. (2016). The invisible hand of informal (educational) communication!? Social capital considerations on Twitter conversations among teachers. UNU-MERIT Working Paper, 2016(52). Abgerufen von http://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/wppdf/2016/wp2016-052.pdf
Rehm, M., & Notten, A.. (2016). Twitter as an Informal Learning Space for Teachers!? The Role of Social Capital in Twitter Conversations among Teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2016.08.015
Rehm, M., Notten, A., & Kerres, M.. (2015). Tweeting Teachers – Does Social Capital play a Role in Twitter Conversations among Teachers?. EARLI 2015. Limassol, Cyprus.
Rehm, M., & Notten, A.. (2015). What are They Tweeting About? Analyzing the Cognitive Dimension of Twitter Conversation among Teachers. In AECT International Convention. gehalten auf der 11/2015, Indianapolis, USA: Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Abgerufen von http://www.aect.org/Events/ConvHotel/
Rehm, M., Preussler, A., Kerres, M., & Notten, A.. (2014). Pebble-in-the-Pond?! Does a Hashtag Conversation on Twitter connect Teachers?. In EARLI - SIG 14 (Learning and Professional Development). Oslo, Norway.
Rehm, M., Preussler, A., Kerres, M., Bohle-Carbonell, K., & Notten, A.. (2014). #WhatsTheDifference? Comparing Hashtag Conversation on Twitter among Teachers. In Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Jacksonville, USA.
Rehm, M., Notten, A., Glott, R., Hagemann, P., Seibold, B., Bijlsma, L., u. a.. (2013). Open Education Case Studies – A Variety of Shades and Formats. In Openness and Education (Bd. 1-1, Bd. 1). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.