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Cornelia Helmstedt | 10 Mai, 2017 - 15:36

Discover how digital resources can be a catalyst for change in university strategies, enrolling in the new MOOC on POK: "D-TRANSFORM: university strategies in the digital age". This course is an output of the D-TRANSFORM Erasmus+ project (www.dtransform.eu) and is aimed at raising awareness of digital resources, and especially OER and MOOCs, as a strategic factor for university transformation.
Sing up on www.pok.polimi.it !
In week 2 Barbara Getto introduces the OER-Strategy of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
E-Learning NRW
OER-UDE: Open Educational Ressources an der UDE
Korrespondierendes Projekt
OER-UDE: Open Educational Ressources an der UDE
1 September, 2016 bis 31 Dezember, 2018
Kompetenzentwicklung und Netzwerkbildung für E-Learning an Hochschulen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
1 Juli, 2008 bis 31 Dezember, 2019