On Thursday, 12th of February 2015, Prof. Maarten de Laat and Bieke Schreurs - both working at the Open Universiteit Netherland - visited the Learning Lab. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss research on the topic of social network analysis, as well as to identify possibilities for future collaboration.
On 11th of February 2015, Prof. Mamoru Koga, Dean at Seinan Gakuin University, has visited our university to talk about the oppurtunities for student exchange betwen the universities. Prof. Koga presented his university's strategy for international cooperations in teaching via videoconferencing.
At Dec 16th, 2014, Prof. Dr. Stefanie A. Hillen from Agder University, Norway, gave a lecture on "Integrative digital learning and teaching in higher ed and the relevance of formative assessement" at our Learning Lab. As part of the lab's research colloquium, this lecture was organized in cooperation with the University's Center for Empirical Research in Education. The liveley discussion centered around methods of assessment and how they support or impede learning on the internet.
Today, Dr. Katalin Morgan, Senior Lecturer from the School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa ("Wits") visited Duisburg Learning Lab to discuss current developments of digital media in higher education. She is preparing a comparative project in history learning with digital media in Germany and South Africa.
We welcome Dr. Mikhail Bukhtoyarov, Associate Professor at the Department of Geopolitics and Global Studies of the Humanities Institute, Siberian Federal University, and Anna Bukhtoyarova, Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages for Engineering Science at the Institute of Philology and Language Communication, Siberian Federal University, at the Learning Lab!
On 31 Aug 2014, Prof. Hay and Prof. Monnapula-Mapesela visited Duisburg Learning Lab to discuss current developments in elearning and learning innovations in higher education. They also talked about options for future cooperations and scholarly exchange.
In 2014, Duisburg Learning again will welcome several international guest researchers:
(1) Hiba Salem Balatiyah, a MBA student from Birzeit University/Palestine, will stay at our lab for 3 month with a NRW scholarship grant to conduct research on managing innovations in training departments of media companies.
Am 29. Mai 2013 besuchte eine Hochschuldelegation aus Russland das Duisburg Learning Lab. Im Rahmen einer mehrtägigen Rundreise durch Deutschland kam die Delegation zu einem Fachtreffen über das Thema "E-Learning an Hochschulen" nach Duisburg. Die Kolleg/innen aus Russland kamen u.a. von der Technischen Universität St. Petersburg und der Lomonosov-Universität Moskau sowie staatlichen und privaten Einrichtungen.
Eine internationale Gruppe Studierender der Fachhochschule für angewandtes Management (FHAM) war Freitag den 08.02.2013 zu Gast am Duisburg Learning Lab. Das Studienprogramm gehört zum International University Network (IUNworld). Im Rahmen der Präsenzphase des Programms liegt der Fokus in diesem Semester auf Forschungsmethoden und "Comparative Studies" im Bildungswesen.