Open Educational Resources an Zürcher Hochschulen

Bild des Benutzers Bettina Waffner

"Open Educational Resources - Trends, Erwartungen und Auswirkungen" - Unter diesem Titel stand der diesjährige Vernetzungsanlass am 12.November 2021, zu dem der Fachhochschulrat der Züricher Hochschule der Künste (Zhdk), die Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) und die  Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH) Dr. Bettina Waffner zu einem Keynote-Referat über die Bedeutung von Open Educational Resources für Hochschulen im digitalen Wandel eingeladen hat.

D-TRANSFROM Leadership School: Preparing Higher Education leaders to become the change makers of the university of tomorrow

Bild des Benutzers Pia Sander

From November 14th to November 18th, Dr. Barbara Getto participated in the 1st D-TRANSFROM Leadership School at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona. The goal of the Leadership School was to train leaders and senior managers in European higher education institutions in making effective decisions about the use of digital technologies in learning and teaching. For this purpose they had the possibility to attend lectures of and come in contact with professionals from innovative universities and other sectors of society.

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