TitelVirtual Reality für Schüler:innen. Ein «Beipackzettel» für die Durchführung immersiver Lernszenarien im schulischen Kontex
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsZender, R, Buchner, J, Schäfer, C, Wiesche, D, Kelly, K, Tüshaus, L
JournalMedienPädagogik. Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung

Immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR) are currently considered to have a great potential as educational technologies and learning media over all areas of education, although many questions regarding learning effectiveness, pedagogical and didactic design, and medical as well as ethical risks of use cannot yet be answered sufficiently. However, they are of particular relevance for school teaching, since children are always also considered to be subjects of protection. In the metaphorical sense of an «instructional leaflet», this article provides an overview of the concerns and risks of VR use in schools from medical, pedagogical, didactical, technical, and ethical perspectives with the aim of enabling a sensitized and reflected use of this promising technology. Therefore, specific design recommendations for teachers, learners, parents, educational institutions, developers as well as political actors are further formulated. Furthermore, this article wants to provide a foundation for an interdisciplinary discourse in the area of the VR-usage as a learning medium in schools. It is therefore connected with a call for participation of all stakeholders involved in school education.

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