Martin Rehm is currently a visiting scholar at the Department of Education Studies at University of California - San Deigo. During his stay, he will work together with Prof. Alan Daly, who is the chair of the department. Their joint work will focus on analyzing social media channels and identifying their potential for learning. Moreover, they will particularly investigate how information is diffused online and possibly transferred into an offline context. Their methodological approach will combine social network and bibliometric analysis, which will allow to identify key participants, their network position, as well as how they might be affecting the content of social media communication processes.
Am Dienstag den 07. Juli, 2015 werden Tatjana Steinhaus und Christina Wolf den 86. #EDchatDE-Chat auf Twitter moderieren. Das Thema des Chats lautet: "(Was) kann ich in sozialen Medien lernen?". Hierbei werden zwischen 20:00 und 21:00 (auf Deutsch und Englisch) die folgenden Kernfragen besprochen:
F1 – In welchen sozialen Medien bist Du regelmässig unterwegs? #EDchatDE
Q1 – Which social media platforms do you regularly use? #EDchatDE